searching for yoga love…

IMG_2710_basic_ok_sI believe in yoga. I want to make it a habit. I just haven’t fallen in love with it.
So I’m challenging myself to a month of practicing yoga every day to see if persistence helps.

I read stories of yogis and yoginis who had that “profound, out-of-body, life-changing, spiritual enlightenment” the first time they stepped foot on a mat. And I envy them. I know, envy is soooo not yoga. Nor is competition, and I’m highly competitive. I’m also overly emotional, volatile and on a hamster wheel of work and deadlines. And my body is creaky and inflexible. I need to be forced to slow down and to live in the moment, while simultaneously getting perspective on life. And that’s just for starters.

So I’m turning to yoga. I’m hoping to add pranayama and meditation to my yoga practice too. And I’m going to see how my physical flexibility, mental attitude, emotional rhythms and spiritual understanding fare as a result.

Inner peace and holistic happiness, here I come?

As I can’t commit to any one yoga membership, due to travel schedules and – ahem – commitment issues, I’m going to base my practice on, a wonderful Canadian website of free classes where I’ve developed a yogini crush on instructor Fiji McAlpine. And I’ll intersperse these online classes, in the discomfort of my tiny Hk flat, with one-off studio classes in Hong Kong, in the hope that I’ll fall in love with a real, live class with which I can share a long-lasting, happy future.

Wish me luck, yoga love – and peace and happiness.

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