We saw a passing master class from Toni Kroos in midweek for Bayern Munich, but Michael Carrick had one of his own on Saturday. He completed 135 passes against Palace, the most by any player this season. Carrick was on Kroos control for United and Henderson continues his remarkable Liverpool turnaround… but why will Jose be hugging Drogba once again?
We saw a passing master class from Toni Kroos in midweek for Bayern Munich, but Michael Carrick had one of his own on Saturday. He completed 135 passes against Palace, the most by any player this season. Carrick was on Kroos control for United and Henderson continues his remarkable Liverpool turnaround… but why will Jose be hugging Drogba once again?
就像身體裡住著老靈魂!年紀輕輕就老到骨子裡的星座排行TOP3 @ 潮流、美妝、消費 創造個人化風格的女性社群 PIXstyleMe 就像身體裡住著老靈魂!年紀輕輕就老到骨子裡的星座排行TOP3
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